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We gleaned some local Black Walnuts and cooked them down, down, down into a luscious, brown ink. (We added alcohol & cloves as natural preservatives). Use it for painting & calligraphy. This ink smells great and produces a beautiful warm brown tone. A gift from Missouri's plentiful Black Walnut trees! Bottles available in larger sizes upon request — just ask!

Black Walnut Ink (2 oz / 60 ml)

  • If you've never encountered Black Walnut Ink, you're in for a treat. This completely natural ink produces a wide range of beautiful sepia tones. It is water-based but strong; so be careful, it can stain things if you spill or splatter. In fact, Black Walnut is famous for dyeing fabrics! However, fear not, it can easily be cleaned off of your work surface with a wet rag.

    For many Earth dwellers, including humans, the Black Walnut tree is a source of food, medicine, shelter, beauty, & more. Many cultures have used Black Walnut hulls to support a healthy intestinal environment and eaten the nuts for their rich Omega 3 essential fatty acid, vitamin C & flavor. The astringency from the tannins in the hulls and leaves make Black Walnut useful for topical skin applications. The fresh green Black Walnut hulls are often used as a potent anthelmintic (used to treat parasitic worms) & to help balance the gut.

    The Black Walnut tree is native to almost the whole east coast & westwards as far as Texas. It is a tall deciduous tree & can grow upwards of 75 feet! It is prized for its timber and is often sought after for fine carpentry. Members of this family of trees produce a chemical called juglone, which is an example of an allelopathic compound, a substance that is synthesized by one type of plant and affects the growth of another. This means that very little can grow underneath or near Black Walnut trees: this tree is generous, but has some good boundaries! The juglone is what also makes Black Walnut medicine so potent & helpful for us. We hope you meet & befriend a Black Walnut tree for yourself! There are lots of recipes out there for how to make your own ink & medicine; we hope you give it a try! And of course, please remember to harvest ethically & to be conscientious about where & how you gather.


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